Local News
Winter Hazard Awareness: Safety for families and small children
-In the last of our Winter Hazard Awareness Week interviews, WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with public health nurse Allison Heeren about families and little kids’ winter safety.
Documentary film "Sled Dogs to Saint Paul: The Race for Clean Water" premieres Friday
-"Sled Dogs to Saint Paul: The Race for Clean Water," a documentary
Cook County Posts High Voter Turnout
-With many Cook County precincts turning out in the high 80 and 90 percentages, registered voters came out in droves to cast their ballots in all precincts. They gave President Barack Obama a wid
Hundreds of water birds die in U.P.
-GULLIVER, Mich. (WWJ/AP) - Authorities say they’ve found the bodies of about 700 water birds along a stretch of northern Lake Michigan shoreline in the Upper Peninsula.
Winter Hazard Awareness: Moving snow around
-In the second of our Winter Hazard Awareness Week interviews, WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with public health nurse Joni Kristenson about moving snow around.
Winter Hazard Awareness: Septic system precautions
-As a part of Winter Hazard Awareness Week, we continue speaking with people in the county responsible for helping you keep abreast of winter safety.
This is Winter Hazard Awarness Week
-This is Winter Hazard Awareness Week. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Emergency Managers Jim Wiinanen and Mike Keyport.
Weather forecast: a little snow on the way
-Snow is in the forecast, at least a little of it, but it’ll melt later. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Carol Christenson about a mixed weather week.
Minn. hunters kill 50 wolves on 1st day
-Fifty wolves were killed in the opening weekend of Minnesota's first managed wolf hunt.
Weekend News Roundup for November 3
-Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.