Local News
Community Center groundbreaking is Dec. 10
-Cook County, the City of Grand Marais, I.S.D. #166 and the Duluth YMCA are holding the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Cook County Family YMCA on Monday, December 10.
Blue Christmas Service brings hope in a safe place
-The First Congregational United Church of Christ will host a Blue Christmas Service at 7 PM, Thursday, December 6 to serve people who are going through a time of depression or grief during the Christm
Congressman-elect Nolan talks about his return to the Hill
-Minnesotans in the 8th Congressional District have a new Representative in Washington DC. WTIP’s Jay Andersen recently spoke with Congressman-elect Rick Nolan.
Salvation Army red kettles are out for holiday fundraising
-The bellringers are out with their red kettles, the smaller kettles are on business counters and it’s all because of Mary Sanders.
Weather will be up and down this week
-The local weather is in for a quick change from somewhat balmy to colder. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Carol Christenson about up and down weather.
Cook County Go Team economic survey underway
-The Cook County Go Team is looking for at least 500 county residents to help evaluate the county economy in a Community Perception Survey.
Lodging tax revenues for October improve
-Lodging tax revenues for the tenth month of 2012 were up compared to October of last year county-wide.
Weekend News Roundup for December 1
-Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week. An impaired waters study from MPCA, a conversation with Rep.
Despite snow, snowmobile trails not ready for riding
-Despite the recent snowfall throughout much of northern Minnesota, snowmobile trails are not yet ready for riding, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Cook County Historical Society featured on PBS North WDSE TV
-The Cook County Historical Society recently took possession of the orginal Fresnel lens from the Grand Marais lighthouse.