Community Center groundbreaking is Dec. 10
Cook County, the City of Grand Marais, I.S.D. #166 and the Duluth YMCA are holding the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Cook County Family YMCA on Monday, December 10.
The event is scheduled for 1 PM, at the west wing of the ISD-166 complex on West 5th Street in Grand Marais.
Diane Booth is a member of the Cook County Community Center. She says elected officials from the city, county, school district and the Duluth Y be present. They will be joined by members of the steering committee for the beginning of the project construction.
The Cook County High School band has been invited to play and refreshments will be available.
Booth says “Everyone is invited to come and join in the celebration. This project represents a unique partnership and a culmination of several years of planning to create a facility that will serve as an anchor for community recreation and wellness for both residents and visitors of Cook County.”