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Boards and committees have openings to serve

It’s heading toward the end of the year and that means winding up official business for the City of Grand Marais.


Still time to get your flu shot

Sawtooth Mt. Clinic still has flu vaccine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants you to use it up.


Tofte Historical Society Storytelling Dinner this Saturday

The North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum in Tofte is hosting its 3rd Annual Storytelling Dinner this Saturday, December 1st at Lutsen Resort on Lake Superior.


Commissioner discusses county bond issues

The county gave the go-ahead to two issues of general obligation bonds. Commissioner Fritz Sobanja explained how bond issuances work.


Sen. Franken discusses the "fiscal cliff"

It’s been all over the news for weeks –“the fiscal cliff.” WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sen.


Cliffs spokeswoman talks about reductions in Silver Bay

Cliffs Natural Resources will idle part of its Silver Bay operation due to a slow down in the iron ore market.


Sheriff announces special awards to courthouse "heroes"

Cook County Sheriff Mark Falk announced  important recognitions due three people involved in the courthouse shooting of December last year.


Broadband Commission representatives give an overview of activities

Broadband is getting closer every day to being a reality. With that service comes a whole basket of digital opportunities.


Winter's here, and to stay

Winter arrived with nice snowfalls last week, but what’s in store for this week?


Rep. Dill talks about his new committee chairmanship

David Dill is in his tenth year of representing the people of District 3A. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Rep.