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Tofte Historical Society Storytelling Dinner this Saturday

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Adolph_Ojard_StorytellingDinner_20121128.mp37.55 MB

The North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum in Tofte is hosting its 3rd Annual Storytelling Dinner this Saturday, December 1st at Lutsen Resort on Lake Superior.  The featured speaker for this year's event is Adolph Ojard.  Ojard is a North Shore native of Norwegian descent.  He grew up in Knife River, the grandson of two commercial fishing families; the Torgersons and the Ojards.   Ojard is now the Executive Director of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority.

The dinner kicks off with a social hour at 5:30, followed by the dinner and presentation by Ojard.  Proceeds from the dinner will benefit the North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum and the Tofte Historical Society.  For reservations, call Lutsen Resort at 663-7212.

(Click on the mp3 audio file above to hear an interview with Adolph Ojard.)
