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Wolf at Tucker Lake. Photo by Fran Smith

State wolf hunting and trapping season to close Thursday, January 3

Minnesota’s first-ever wolf season will close at the end of shooting and trapping hours on Thursday, January 3, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources..


Lodging tax revenues for November improve

Lodging tax revenues for the eleventh month of 2012 were up compared to November of last year county-wide.


North American Odyssey continues down east coast

Dave and Amy Freeman of Cook County are kayaking the inland waterway off the east coast as they head into the final stages of their North American Odyssey.


Cooler but normal weather this week

Looks like a chilly News Years with a chance of snow, then a warm-up. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Stewart about holiday weather.


Weekend News Roundup for December 29

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Lonnie Dupre returns to Denali for a third attempt

Grand Marais adventurer Lonnie Dupre is back in Talkeetna Alaska preparing for this third attempt to conquer North America's highest mountain...alone and in the dead of winter.


Back to school after what may have been a stressful holiday for some

There’s been a lot of disturbing news on TV over the holidays and that can have an effect on school-age young people.


Master Naturalist trainings at Sugarloaf Cove

Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association is pleased to offer Master Naturalist volunteer training at Sugarloaf Cove.