Local News
Snowmobile Safety Awareness Week is Jan. 13-19
-Gov. Mark Dayton with the support of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association (MnUSA) has proclaimed Jan.
New commissioner discusses assignments
-The first county board meeting of the new year means new appointments and assignments for the commissioners. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with new District Four Commissioner Heidi Doo-Kirk.
City's harbor is Park Board focus
-Lots of action at the Grand Marais Rec Park…especially with respect to the harbor. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with park manager Dave Tersteeg.
Deep snow makes Denali climb tough Wednesday for Dupre
-In the latest report from Alaska's Denali, Lonnie Dupre had a good 10 hours of sleep during his first night on the mountain, but had a difficult climb Wednesday..
Human trafficking at highest point
-Human sex trafficking is on the increase and is a multi-billion dollar industry. WTIP’s Roger Linehan spoke with Lucy Perpich of the Cook County Violence Prevention Center.
Sen. Franken talks about guns and mental health
-Guns in school, better mental health programs and reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Minnesota’s US Senator Al Franken.
Silver Bay Area loses girls' hockey match to Proctor-Hermantown
-The Proctor-Hermantown girls' hockey team visited Silver Bay Tuesday night and left with a 4-0 shut-out of the Mariners.
Lonnie Dupre is on Denali
-Cook County mountain climber and Arctic explorer Lonnie Dupre is on Denali.
State encouraging residents to test homes for radon
Associated Press (AP)-ST. PAUL (AP) - Governor Mark Dayton has declared this "Radon Action Month" in Minnesota, and the state is encouraging residents to get their homes tested.
Ross Fraboni of Two Harbors takes top finish overall in Gichigami Express Sled Dog Race
-Ross Fraboni of Two Harbors and his team won all three stages of the inaugural Gichigami Express Sled Dog Race and mushed his way to the top prize Tuesday.