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North Shore Visitation Center offers safe place for parents and children

 The North Shore Visitation Center provides a safe place for families who need supervised visits among parents and children.


Cook County boys win basketball game at Cromwell

The Cook County boys’ basketball team is the only North Shore team to win in Tuesday night action. .


Dan Swalm seeks amends for Grandmother whose US citizenship was taken

Back in 1907, the US Congress passed the Expatriation Act.


Lonnie on the mountain at 8,800 feet

“It was like traveling inside a ping pong ball.”  That’s the way Grand Marais adventurer Lonnie Dupre described the poor visibility and waist deep snow he experienced over the w


Viking girls lose to Tigers; boys and girls travel to Cromwell

The Cook County girls’ basketball team was on the road Monday night, losing 61-46 to the Cherry Tigers.


Visioning session set for ISD166 board

ISD166 has a new board chair, a construction-wrecked parking lot and a day long visioning session on the horizon WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Superintendent Beth Schwarz.


Sheriff talks guns in the community

Guns in school, guns in the community and the general safety of Cook County. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sheriff Mark Falk about guns and sun safety.


North Shore boys' hockey team loses to International Falls

The North Shore boys' hockey team lost a match on their home ice Saturday night, 9-0 to International Falls.

The loss dropped North Shore to 9-5 for the season.


Weekend News Roundup for January 12

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.