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Warmer weather and a bit more snow lies ahead

We may have turned the cold weather corner! WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Carol Christenson about less cold and more snow heading into February.


Nopolas lead Silver Bay to girls basketball win

 Alicia Nopola and Brandi Nopola each scored more than 20 points to lead the Silver Bay Mariner girls to a 74-30 win over the Fond du Lac Ojibwe on Monday night.


Ely wins CC Invitational; CC/SB boys win Denfeld Invitational, girls second

 The Ely Timberwolves took both the boys and girls team titles in the Cook County Invitational Saturday at Pincushion Trails system in Grand Marais.


Kieran Scannell nominated for national Presidential Scholars Program

Kieran Scannell of Grand Marais, a senior at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire, has been named one of more than 3,000 candidates in the 2013 U.S.


Lonnie Dupre talks about coming off the mountain

Lonnie Dupre is back in Talkeetna Alaska after a third attempt to summit Denali  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Lonnie Monday 4:30am Alaska time.


Dupre airlifted off Denali

Cook County Arctic adventurer Lonnie Dupre has been airlifted off Denali and is back in Talkeetna, Alaska.


Duluth News Tribune reports barrels pulled from Lake Superior contain active explosives

The Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa says it found still-active explosives in barrels of military waste retrieved this summer from Lake Superior.


Weekend News Roundup for February 2

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Dupre hopes to leave Denali base camp on Friday

The amount of time Grand Marais Arctic Adventurer Lonnie Dupre will spend in base camp is dwindling as plans are being  made to airlift him off of Alaska's highest mountain.


Cook County Invite Nordic Ski Meet moved to Saturday morning

A weather forecast  for below zero temperatures on Friday, February 1, has caused the Cook County Invite Nordic Ski Meet to be moved to 11 AM, Saturday, February 2, on the 2.5 k