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Genetic research sheds new light on Isle Royale wolf population

(Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with Isle Royale National Park Superintendent Phyllis Green, recorded on WTIP's A.M.


Career Readiness Community Forum is Feb. 28

On the 28th there will be a community forum to explore career readiness for students when they leave Cook County High School. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with the forum organizers.


Nice winter weather to continue in the Northland

The weather has been very nice and it looks like it will continue mild.


4th Annual Cook County Chili Cook Off a Big Success!

The 4th Annual Cook County Chili Cook Off was held Saturday, February 23, 2013.  Over twenty different types of chili were entered into the competition.  WTIP volunteer Sherrie Li


Weekend News Roundup for February 23

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Sugary soft drinks on the way out at the hospital

No more sugary soft drinks at the hospital. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Cook County North Shore Hospital and Care Center administrator Kimber Wraalstad about the planned pop phase-out.


Not everyone on the Irish Creek Road want to be plowed out

Wetlands management plans stall at the Army Corps of Engineers level. Not everyone on the Irish Creek Road wants to pay for plowing. And out of county commissioner meetings.


GES and ISD166 attend Math Counts competition

An unconventional way to help school finances, math cooperation between school districts and a steady enrollment picture. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke Great Expectations administrator Peter James.


For young EDA board member, affordable housing is key issue

Abby Tofte is a new member of the Economic Development Authority’s board. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Abby about younger voices in local affairs.


New Findings Show Poplar River Sediment Reduced by 35%

Lutsen, MN – The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) provided updated data trends on sediment in the Poplar River to the Poplar River Management Board in February.