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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention month. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke Human Services director Sue Futterer about child abuse in Cook County and the services available.


No new wolves on Isle Royale

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) - Scientists say the gray wolves in Michigan's Isle Royale National Park are in growing danger of extinction and may have stopped reproducing.


Emergency Services Conference is April 26-27

The annual Emergency Services Conference is April 26 and 27.


Starting to look a lot like Spring

Spring maybe delayed on the East coast, but it’s coming along nicely here on the North Shore. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Stewart about warming weather.


ISD166 looks at a two-principal system

ISD166 is planning to return to a two-principal system. Also there’s a plan for making up all those possible snow days next year…and good news for the red hot Knowledge Bowl students.


Today is Diabetes Alert Day

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) estimates that about 80,000 adults in Minnesota may have diabetes without knowing it. 


Weekend News Roundup for March 23

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Hospital faces sequestration and insurance cuts

The Cook County North Shore Hospital and Care Center is facing a couple of $200,000 income reductions. One from the federal government and one from an insurance provider.


Arrowhead's Joe Buttweiler updates fiber optic progress

Arrowhead Electric Cooperative is gearing up for more fiber optic work. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Joe Buttweiler about the light at the end of the broadband tunnel.

L to R; WTIP Programming Director Kelly Schoenfelder, and producer Carah Thomas.

WTIP wins Associated Press broadcast news awards

Winners in the 2012 Minnesota Associated Press Broadcasters news contest have been announced.