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A little rain and cooler temps in the forecast

The weather has warmed up and the snow is melting, but rain and cooler weather lies ahead this week.


Weekend News Roundup for April 27

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week. Ely business owners organize against non-ferrous mining.


"Fathers are Needed" (FAN) class with coach Mike Boomer

Cook County Community Education is once again offering the class "Fathers Are Needed" (FAN), for dads of all ages.


Commissioners talk about county administrator position

The County Commissioners met this week and Blue Ribbon awards, county administrators and much more was on the agenda  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with 4th District Commissioner Heidi Doo-Kirk


GES greenhouse has plants aplenty

Great Expectations Charter School is up to full enrollment for the next school year. Their greenhouse is also full ready for the spring plant sale.


ISD166 to begin principal 6-12 search

ISD166 will begin interviewing for a 6-12 Principal. The school board is looking for volunteers to be a the screening panel.


Higher Ed included in Senate funding bill

Cook County Higher Education has been successful in getting $18,000 of its funding reinstated.


Care Partners offers training for veteran's care givers

Cook County Care Partners is hosting a special presentation for caregivers of veterans.


Weekend News Roundup for April 20

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week. An endangered river warning was issued this week by a waters watchdog group.


Hospital board continues building discussion

Building plans discussions for the hospital and care center. Reimbursement changes result in Blue Cross blues and 7th grade kids experience neat yukky stuff.