Local News
Historical Society offering Saturday walking tours
-The Cook County Historical Society is offering guided walking tours of Grand Marais harbor Saturdays through the summer, starting June 8.
Foot bridge moves to park and swimming lessons are underway
-The Community Connection foot bridge has been moved to the Grand Marais Rec Park, swimming lessons have started and a memorial tree has been approved in Harbor Park.
North Shore Landowner Workshop Friday at Wolf Ridge
-The North Shore Forest Collaborative will offer a free workshop for North Shore landowners on Friday, June 7, from 12:30 – 4 p.m.
Low temps usher in June
-Frost and record low temps across the Northland, but the forecast is for warmer and dry weather. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Carol Christenson.
Weekend News Roundup for June 1
-Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days. High moose calf mortality concerns the DNR, so does finding zebra mussels in Itasca County.
Moose calf deaths higher than expected
-Within days of finishing a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources effort to capture 49 moose calves and fit them with GPS transmitter collars, 22 of the newborns already have died, most killed by b
City saves on bond sales
-The Grand Marais City Council met earlier this week; the spent some money and saved some as well.
CCLEP offers homeowners resources for energy efficiency improvements
-The Cook County Local Energy Project offers help for homeowners interested in energy efficiency improvements. WTIP volunteer Tracy Benson learns more in this interview with CCLEP administrator V
Commissioner Martinson on administrators, septic systems and Sentence to Serve
-The Cook County board discussed Sentence to Serve budget cuts, a county administrator position and impending septic ordinance. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with county commissioner Bruce Martinson.
Sheriff's looking for a safe graduation
-Graduation is coming up and law enforcement wants it to be a safe time for seniors.