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Grand Portage man charged with attempted murder

A 21 year old Grand Portage man has appeared in Cook County on a charge of attempted murder in the first degree. The arraignment of Steven Warren Robert Anishnabie was scheduled for 10 a.m.


CCVB Director to accept human rights advocacy position

The Executive Director of Cook County Visitors Bureau is leaving mid-June.


Affordable housing rental proposal goes before EDA

The Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency has brought a proposal to the Cook County-Grand Marais Economic Development Authority for affordable rental housing.


Moose calf collaring begins

Biologists have begun collaring moose calves in the second phase of a study to determine why Minnesota's moose population is declining so rapidly.


County Board hears School Trust Land details

Transportation Improvement plans, School Trust Land exchange, hiring a County Administrators and fixing up the historic Gunflint Trail sign.


Legislature is set to act on taxes

The Minnesota House and Senate are poised to vote on a final tax package yet this week.


Spring creeps in slowly

Looks like the snow squalls may be over and warmer weather is on the way. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Carol Christenson about spring creeping into the Northland.


Weekend News Roundup for May 11

The moose herd in Voyageurs National Park is holding steady, so are the wolves in Wisconsin. Enbridge resumes oil shipments.


Gunflint Hills suffering from too much winter

Gunflint Hills golf course is in “rough” shape due to the late winter weather.


Mayor Larry Carlson: Next week is National Nursing Home Week

Tower replacement, zipline development, bond refunding and a proclamation for National Nursing Home Week WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Grand Marais mayor Larry Carlson.