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Courthouse security recommendations presented to county commissioners

New septic inspection program and courthouse security were two topics athe the recent county board meeting. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with 2nd District Commissioner Garry Gamble.


As the economy turns, a little action at Cedar Grove

Encouraging news coming from Cedar Grove Business Park. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Economic Development Authority chair Mark Sandbo.


Snow in April? A lot!

Snow in April? Well, according to Weather Service records, one of the biggest snow storms happened on April 5, 1933.


Commissioner discusses changes at IRRRB

The make up the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board has changed. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with IRRRB Commissioner Tony Sertich about the legislative adjustments.


Winter weather continues

All the wet snow and there’s still more in the forecast. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Stewart about this slow spring.


New hope for county economic development is WTIP’s First Thursday for April

For the first eleven years of this century Cook County’s economy grew at less than the rate of inflation.


Fingerstyle Guitar Masters Weekend April 12 & 13

Don’t miss the 3rd annual Fingerstyle Masters Weekend featuring artist Jim Ohlschmidt April 12 - 13 at Bluefin Bay


Weekend News Roundup for April 6

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week. Tall ships return to Duluth, Rep.


Rep. David Dill on reconciling plans for the new budget

The time has come for House and Senate committees to start assigning dollars to programs that will eventually result in a new budget. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Rep.