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Violence Prevention Center seeking volunteer board members and advocates

The Violence Prevention Center  may offer  advocate training this summer, and they are looking for more board members.


Openings on ARAC board, including Cook County

There are several openings for board members on the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council.


Spring is here, but the weather is a mixed bag

Spring is finally inching its way in. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Steve Gohde about the week ahead.


Weekend News Roundup for May 4

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week. The stalemate between Blue Cross and North Shore Hospital is working its way to a resolution.


WTIP’s First Thursday looks at community emergencies

The last week end in April saw many dozens of responders in Grand Marais for the 24th annual county Emergency Services Conference.


Hospital-Blue Cross stalemate moves toward resolve

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota has altered its plans to change its payment methodology.  Lori Nelson, Blue Cross Vice President, contacted Cook County North Shore Hospital administrator Kimb


Move It in May!

Ready to move it with your neighbors all the way down to New Orleans?


Sheriff: Bookings are up, the county is moving on courthouse security and Prom is near

Bookings are way up at Cook County Law Enforcement. Drugs and alcohol are major reasons. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sheriff Mark Falk about prescription drugs, prom and courthouse security.


Hospital and Blue Cross in reimbursement stand-off

Blue Cross is proposing changes in how they pay small hospitals and how much. It could result in a 12.2 percent cut to Cook County North Shore Hospital.