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Phyllis Parker named outstanding senior volunteer

Phyllis Parker of Grand Marais has been chosen as Minnesota's 2013 outstanding senior volunteer.


County hires in highway department and Veteran's Service

The process of hiring at the county highway department impressed Commissioner Heidi Doo-Kirk.


Senior housing in Tofte discussed at EDA meeting

Housing was an important issue at the recent Economic Development Authority meeting. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with EDA Chair Mark Sandbo about senior and affordable housing.


Sen. Franken discusses "No Child Left Behind"

Sen. Al Franken has a particular reason to want the so-called No Child Left Behind reauthorization to carry some substantial changes. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sen.


Progress on the Gitchi-Gami State Trail

Construction in progress, but plenty of miles open on the Gitchi Gami State Trail.  WTIP volunteerRandy Eastlund learns more in this interview with Kevin Johnson of DNR Parks an


Healthcare Foundation announces 2nd Quarter grant awards

The North Shore Healthcare Foundation has announced the recipients in their latest round of grants to local healthcare providers. 


Summer slow in coming

Rainy and cool weather until later in the week, then sunny and higher temps. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Declan Cannon.


June First Thursday features fire season panel discussion

Cook County has had its share of wildfires and some have been devastating to the forest and private property.


Weekend News Roundup for June 8

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


Deer Hunters banquet is June 18

The Arrowhead Chapter of the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association hosts its annual banquet on June 18. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Pete Harris about the advantages of signing up early.