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Law enforcement bookings at high level in county

As reported on North Shore Morning earlier this week, Cook County Sheriff Mark Falk said as of June 25th his department has logged 75 bookings.


Law enforcement activity on the increase

It’s been a busy five months for Cook County law enforcement. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sheriff Mark Falk about vehicle accidents, fires and a sharp increase in bookings.


Solar Hot Water Success for CCLEP and the Rec Park

The solar hot water installation at the Grand Marais Recreation Area is a local energy victory.  


ISD166 board looks at leaner enrollment for 2013-14

The ISD166 school board is making budget plans for a leaner enrollment next school year. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Superintendent Beth Schwarz.


Hospital board: Veggies and some positive legislative actions

The folks at North Shore Hospital and Care Center are growing veggies for healthier eating, especially for care center residents.


New firehall buildings dedicated on Gunflint Trail

The Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department held a grand opening celebration for the newly expanded and upgraded Poplar Firehall, Wednesday, June 12, 2013.  WTIP's Carah Thomas was there.


Weekend News Roundup for June 15

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


Erosion mitigation to start on Flute Reed

Soil and Water is working with the Flute Reed River Project on erosion mitigation. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Soil and water manager Kerrie Berg.