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USFS closes campsites due to bear activity

The U.S. Forest service has today closed all campsites on two lakes in the BWCAW until further notice. The campsites affected are on Caribou and Little Caribou lakes.


Commissioners discuss department budgets

It’s budget time for the Cook County commissioners.


USFS to make improvements to Artist's Point

Call it Artist’s Point, call it Coast Guard Point, but call it the property of The U.S. Forest Service.


Invasive plant workshops for landowners

The Cook County Invasive Team (CCIT) is sponsoring two Invasive Plant Control and Tree Planting Workshops in Cook County this we


Weekend News Roundup for August 10

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


Director gives "virtual tour" of the new "Y"

Tours begin this Friday for the Cook County Community YMCA.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with “Y” Director Emily Marshall about what features are in the new facility.


Park storm runoff system performs well

The Grand Marais Rec Park is summer busy, full for the Fisherman’s Picnic, and the storm water runoff system performed perfectly during the mid-month downpour.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen sp


Wilderness canoe trip? Less is better

Plan ahead is always a good motto, especially if you’re planning a trip into the BWCAW.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Forest Service wilderness ranger Cathy Quinn.