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Meals on Wheels; more than food

In Grand Marais, the Meals on Wheels program is offered by the Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency through the Cook County Senior Center.  Meals are delivered Monday thru Friday with the option


Stormy weather ahead this week

This past weekend’s beautiful weather could come at a price. It’ll turn wet for the next couple of days, even the possibility of some hazardous weather.


Weekend News Roundup for September 7

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


Megabits: What does fiber obtic speed mean in real time?

As Arrowhead Electric closes in on its target completion date for fiber optic installation in the County, people are talking about speed.


New District Ranger at Tofte

Kurt Steele is the new District Ranger for the Tofte District.


Cook County GO Team presents draft economic vision to community

WTIP’s Kelly Schoenfelder attended last night’s GO Team meeting at St. John's Catholic Church in Grand Marais.


The rumble grumble gets louder

Centerline rumble strips have been installed on Hwy 61 and some residents east of Grand Marais are not happy. "Livid" is a more proper word.


Radio Waves Music Festival: Michael Lipton of The Carpenter Ants

In this interview, WTIP's Carah Thomas talks with guitarist Michael Lipton of the West Virginia-based band "The Carpenter Ants." The band is headlining on Saturday night of  WTIP


Start of school means vaccination time

Minnesota requires school children to have certain immunizations, and these early days of the school year mean time for vaccination updates.


Isle Royale verifies falcon and wolf births

Houghton, MI— Last year marked the first time in 57 years that peregrine falcons, a state listed endangered species, nested and successfully fledged young on Isle Royale.