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Sen. Franken to introduce NSA transparency legislation

Sen. Al Franken is concerned about transparency in National Security Agency surveillance on U.S. citizens. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with the senator about his Surveillance Transparency Act of 2013.


Special prosecutor to appear here Thursday

Special Cook County Prosecutor Thomas B. Heffelfinger will be in Grand Marais tomorrow, Oct.


Weekend News Roundup for October 26

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


Wednesday is "Friend's Day" on Arrowhead Transit

Wednesday is "Friends Day" on Arrowhead Transit in Cook County.


Golf course, pipeline ceremonies mark beginning of two major Lutsen projects

Two major projects broke ground in Lutsen Tuesday afternoon. WTIP’s Kelly Schoenfelder has this report from the events.


More snow and colder weather on the way

The first snows of winter arrived over the weekend, and there’s more on the way…and high temps in the 30’s!


MN trapping season underway

Minnesota's trapping season got underway Saturday, October 19.


Weekend News Roundup for October 19

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days. No Beargrease in 2014. Wolves in Wisconsin. More on mining…all in this week’s news.


County Septic Ordinance is topic for WTIP’s October Third Thursday

Cook County is in the process of revising its Subsurface Septic Treatment System Ordinance. One public hearing has already been held, another is scheduled for later this month.