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New constitution for White Earth has implications for MN Chippewa Tribe

On November 19th, almost 80 percent of the voting members of the White Earth Nation, part of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, approved a new White Earth constitution.


Weekend News Roundup for November 30

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days. Cook County IT director named to head new state broadband agency. Enbridge finds new pipeline partner.


Good news from the Y, new long-term housing, and more discussed at County Board meeting

Cook County’s Danna MacKenzie moves on to a new state position, good news from the YMCA, and new long-term residential housing were discussed at this week’s County Board meeting.


Deer harvest numbers down this year in northeastern Minnesota

The 2013 deer harvest in northeastern Minnesota declined from last year.


Phone & online scams - what's out there and how to avoid them

Phone and online scams have become more common in recent years.


ISD 166 to add second high school Special Ed instructor

The YMCA is nearing completion, the high school will have a second Special Education instructor, and more news is happening in and around ISD 166!


BCBS updates, a certification survey and more discussed at recent hospital meeting

The Cook County North Shore Hospital & Care Center recently held its regular board meeting.


Weekend News Roundup for November 23

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days. More waters are on the impaired list. The White Earth Band changes its constitution.


Red Kettles set to reappear Thanksgiving

Come Thanksgiving, the Salvation Army red kettles will once again appear. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Bellringer coordinator Mary Sanders.