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Gardening, farming, eating… the Northwoods Food Project supports all that and more. 


Scam awareness and prevention

Depending on where you shop and how you pay, there’s good reason to be concerned about the recent Target credit card scams.


SAD can contribute to the long gray winter

If the long gray winter tends to get you down, it may be more than a temporary condition.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Sawtooth Clinic nurse Amy Marie Schmidt about Seasonal Affect Disorder.


Weather returns to "normal January"

The weather won’t stay balmy, but it will return to normal January temps.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Stewart.


Annual "Night of the Notorious" event takes place Monday, Jan. 13

The "Night of the Notable & Notorious" is the culmination of a semester-long project for the annual College in the Schools Composition class at Cook County High School.


The Cook County Vikings Varsity Alpine Ski Team Wins 2014 Meet at Lutsen Mountains

WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson had a chance to visit with Cook County skiers, coaches and parents at the Varsity Alpine Ski Meet at Lutsen Mountains on Friday, January 10, 2014. 


Weekend News Roundup for January 11

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


Rep. Dill looks ahead to 2014 session

The Minnesota Legislature goes into its 2014 session late February.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Representative David Dill.


County Board hold reorganization meeting

The Cook County commissioners had a special reorganizational meeting on Tuesday.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Heidi Doo-Kirk about chairmanships and assignments.


Seven appointed to local boards and commissions

Cook County commissioners met in special session Tuesday to among other things appoint citizen members to county commission and board positions.