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Kids Plus in Cook County

Kids Plus raises money for youth activities in Cook County, and has a new partner, the Cook County Community YMCA.  North Shore Morning host Mary Manning learns more from Kids Plus boar


West End Community Conversation, Wednesday at Birch Grove

Every community offers opportunities and challenges.  This Wednesday evening there’s a chance for West End folks to gather for discussion.  North Shore Morning host Jana Berka learns m


Minnesota’s moose population trend shows no significant change

Aerial moose survey results for 2014 show no significant change in Minnesota’s moose population even though more animals were seen than last year.


Weekend News Roundup for February 15

Each week the WTIP news team puts togeather a roundup of the week's news. Mining, feeding deer, the frozen Great Lakes, gypsy moths and much more…all in this week’s news.


Gypsy moths and heavy equipment discussed at County Board Meeting

Big highway department equipment purchases, closing out the YMCA budget and the impact of gypsy moths on the county.


Hospital to pursue remodel plans

The hospital board held a special meeting Monday to discuss moving ahead with building and remodeling plans.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with the hospital/care center administrator Kimber Wraalstad


Gypsy Moth Quarantine Proposed for Lake and Cook Counties

The state of Minnesota is planning to impose a quarantine to limit the spread of destructive gypsy moths. This will affect residents and travelers in Northeast Minnesota.


MNsure catching on in Cook County

The Minnesota Insurance Exchange known as MNsure has drawn over 300 Cook County residents to the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic for assistance with enrollment.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with the clinic


Warmer weather on the way

The really cold weather is about to depart and we might even see temps in the 20s in a day or two.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Steve Gohde.


Weekend News Roundup for February 8

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days. Forest restoration, Asian carp, collared moose and more…all in this week’s news.