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Weekend News Roundup for March 29

Each week the WTIP news team puts together a roundup of the week's news.


Mapping Mystery at the Johnson Heritage Post

Spirit of the Wilderness Episcopal Church hosts an annual spring show focusing on the overlap between creativity and spirituality.  This year’s show, ‘Mapping Mystery’ opens &nb


Sheriff: Time to sign up for Code Red for your cell phone

Code Red is an early warning system that law enforcement would like to roll out soon.


Presque Isle on Spring Break?

Tug and icebreaker activity has been visible off shore in the Grand Marais area.  WTIP’s Debbie Benedict spoke with Jim Sharrow of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority who t


Hakes receives Bush Fellowship as "exceptional leader"

Cook County Commissioner Sue Hakes is a 2014 recipient of the Bush Foundation’s leadership fellowship.


Getting Home Canned Goods to Market...Safely

Cook County Extension is co-hosting a webinar Friday March 28th on the home preparation of canned goods for commercial sale.  If you’re thinking about selling your home cann


Mysteries of Lake Superior, from Top to Bottom

The Lake Superior Binational Forum hosts ‘the Mysteries of Lake Superior, from Top to Bottom’, Friday March 28th.  It&rsquo


Proper culvert installation important for watershed

There will be culvert installation workshops in Beaver Bay and Schroeder April 7 & 8.


Weekend News Roundup for March 22

Each week the WTIP news team puts together a roundup of the week's news. A dead wolf, oil pipeline hearing and fuss over the EPA: this and much more…all in this week’s news.


Sawtooth Elementary Kindergarten Snowshoe Hike

On a warm February day, Sawtooth Elementary kindergarten students spent the afternoon snowshoeing and practicing their five senses in the outdoors.