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Current County Board chair and vice-chair re-elected

The Cook County Board of Commissioners met in special session Tuesday morning to among other things select a chair and vice-chair for 2014.


Domestics and snowmobiles end the law enforcement year

Basically the holidays were placid as far as Cook County law enforcement was concerned. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Sheriff mark Falk.


North Shore Restoration open house is Friday

The North Shore Restoration Project will stretch along the shore from Two Harbors to the border.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Gunflint District Ranger Nancy Larson about an informational Restor


Sen. Tom Bakk looks to the 2014 legislative session

Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk looks ahead to the 2014 legislative session. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Sen. Bakk about three issues that will undoubtedly be dealt with during the session.


Weather relief around the corner

Cold weather for another day or two, then a warm-up to welcome above zero temps WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Stewart about warmth at the end of the tunnel.


The 2014 Gichigami Express Sled Dog Race is Underway!

The 2014 Gichigami Express Sled Dog Race is currently underway.  WTIP’s Cathy Quinn made a trip to Grand Portage on Saturday morning to watch the start of the race and to visit with a few o


Weekend News Roundup for January 4

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days. The US Forest Service and other partners will begin a North Shore restoration.


Minnesota Schools canceled state wide on Monday

With high temperatures across Minnesota expected to be in the double digits below zero on Monday, Gov. Mark Dayton took the unusual step of cancelling schools statewide.


Jay Kieft takes over as County Administrator

Cook County has a new Administrator, on the job for just three weeks. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Jay Kieft (KEY-ft) about his new job


Forest Service announces North Shore Restoration Project

The effort to reshape the forest along Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior is advancing, now with the U.S.