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Weekend News Roundup for November 9

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


DNR seeks comments on area lake and stream management plans

Citizens interested in learning about or commenting on Minnesota Department of Natural Resources strategies for managing Grand Marais area lakes and streams have until Jan.


One percent tax revenues on the increase

Collection of one percent tax revenues is up as the economy slowly recovers.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen has this report with Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers.


District 3 legislators on WTIP’s November First Thursday

On September 22nd Minnesota 3rd District Senator Tom Bakk and 3A Representative David Dill were in Cook County for a number of events, including a business luncheon on the Higher Education campus.


LUNAFEST short film festival Saturday at ACA

LUNAFEST is a traveling film festival of award-winning short films by, for and about women.


Chance of snow increases

We had some snow in the higher elevations and more is on the way, but it looks like it will fall mostly to the south of us.


Weekend News Roundup for November 2

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.

Special Prosecutor Thomas Heffelfinger announces charges against Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell. Photo by Carah Thomas - WTIP

Full audio of Heffelfinger news conference

Special Cook County Prosecutor Thomas Heffelfinger held a news conference the morning of Oct. 31 regarding the charges brought against Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell.

Crowd gathered at Cook County Courthouse to hear Special Prosecutor Thomas Heffelfinger. Photo by Carah Thomas

Scannell charged with two felony counts

Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell has been charged with two counts of fourth degree criminal sexual conduct.


County Board and Scannell issue statements regarding Grand Jury charges

After special prosecutor Thomas Heffelfinger’s press conference Thursday announcing charges brought against County Attorney Tim Scannell, the County Commissioners issued a statement, as did Scan