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County wants to keep national forest land funding from shrinking

Cook County commissioners met earlier this week, and among other things discussed local funding through the National Forest System plan.


Great Expectations: One size does not fit all

Great Expectations Charter School continues to grapple with state mandates that try to place alternative schools in the same box as traditional ones.


Flu shot availability continues in County

The Sawtooth Mountain Clinic continues administering flu vaccinations as we move deeper into the respiratory influenza season. WTIPs  Jay Andersen spoke with the clinic’s Amy Marie Schmidt.


High speed internet buildout continues

High speed internet is up and running at the Arrowhead Cooperative offices and that means the West end hook up can’t be far behind.


Weekend News Roundup for October 12

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


Rumble strips draw crowd to county board meeting

Rumble strips on Hwy 61 east of Grand Marais have residents grumbling. WTIP’s Jay Andersen has this report on the discussion that took place at the recent county board meeting.


EDA looks for a director

The Economic Development Authority is looking for a realtor to market lots at Cedar Grove Business Park.


Sen. Franken expresses frustration over shut down and debt ceiling

The country is just a few days away from defaulting on its loans and the government is still shut down. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Minnesota’s U.S.

Filmmakers Patrick Knight & Kelly Schoenfelder (Photo by Stephan Hoglund)

Local film selected for Highway 61 Film Fest

 The 2013 Highway 61 Film Festival occurred this past weekend in Pine City, Minnesota. The competition included one film from Cook County this year. “Sled Dogs to St.


Great fall weather ahead

Beautiful weather is ahead for the entire week. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Carol Christensen.