WaterLegacy hosts mining information meetings in Ely and Isabella
Tue, 08/06/2013 - 8:02am
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Paula_Maccabee_Water_Legacy_20130805.mp3 | 6.26 MB |
The Minnesota conservation group WaterLegacy is inviting citizens with questions about sulfide mining and the PolyMet proposal to a series of presentations in Ely, Isabella, and Duluth, August 6-8, 2013. (Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with WaterLegacy council and advocacy director Paula Maccabee.)
1. TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 12:00 P.M. — ELY, MN
“Tuesday Group” Presentation at the Grand Ely Lodge, 400 North Pioneeer Road. Order lunch or simply listen. No reservations necessary.
Paula Maccabee, a prominent Minnesota environmental lawyer, is Counsel and Advocacy Director for WaterLegacy. She will share facts about sulfide mining and the PolyMet proposal.
Maccabee will talk about the risks of sulfide mining to human health and environmental as well as to wetlands, drinking water, fish, wild rice, and habitats. She will focus on the proposed PolyMet NorthMet open pit sulfide mine.
WaterLegacy “Insider Briefing”/Fundraiser at the National Forest Lodge, 9905 National Forest Lodge Road. Light snacks available, or bring your own lunch. Please RSVP to WaterLegacy Northern Coordinator, Allen Richardson (218) 428-0290.
An authority on sulfide mining and regulation in Minnesota, Paula Maccabee will offer a briefing on PolyMet’s preliminary supplemental draft EIS (PSDEIS) and key issues of concern to tribes and regulatory agencies.
3. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 6:30-8:30 P.M. — DULUTH, MN
WaterLegacy “Insider Briefing”/Fundraiser at Pilgrim Church, 2310 East 4th Street. Gather for social time in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m., program from 7:00-8:30 p.m. RSVP to WaterLegacy Northern Coordinator, Allen Richardson (218) 428-0290.
4. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 12:30-1:30 P.M. — DULUTH, MN
Wild Rice Advisory Committee meeting at the MPCA Duluth Office, 525 Lake Avenue South, Suite 400. Large Conference Room, 218-723-4660. Park behind the storefronts and enter the north side of the building.
To learn more, visit www.waterlegacy.org