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Col. William Colvill, a hero at the Battle of Gettysburg

WTIP's Jay Andersen spoke with former director of the Cook County Historical Society, Pat Zankman about the man for whom the town of Colvill was named.


When hiking: Be Prepared!

Pre-planning your hiking trip whether for a day or several days, is that important first step of the journey.


Summer means time to grill, and grill safely

The 4th of July holiday ushers in full blown summer, and that means outdoor cooking! WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Grand Portage Emergency Management Director Mike Keyport about safe grilling.


Freemans' to continue adventures winter and summer

They travelled 11,000 over three years across North America, and now they’ll return next year to the Amazon for their sixth visit.


Weather close to ideal for the 4th

It promises to be a great 4th of July holiday week. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Mike Stewart about super summer weather.


Weekend News Roundup for June 29

Each week the WTIP news staff puts together a roundup of the news over the past five days.


Co-op opens doors to new store

After a year of construction, the Cook County Wholefoods Co-op opened the doors to its brand new 7,100 square foot store in downtown Grand Marais on Wednesday, June 26, 2013.


Thunderwolves pick up former CCHS player

In Thunder Bay Ontario, the Lakehead University Thunderwolves women’s basketball team announced Wednesday that they’ve added six-foot post player Essa Jacobsen to their roster for the 2013


Commissiioners discuss animals at the mini golf

The Cook County Board of Commissioners met earlier this week. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Garry Gamble about mini-golf, subordinate service districts, the budget and more.