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Weekend News Roundup for February 16

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week. A lawsuit to stop the Lake Superior region wolf hunts has been filed.


Cook County/Silver Bay takes fifth in State Alpine Meet

 Cook County/Silver Bay took fifth in the Minnesota State Alpine Ski Meet yesterday at Giants Ridge in Biwabik.


Land exchange stirs debate at county board

Land purchases and land exchanges were part of the agenda at this week’s county board meeting. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Heidi Doo Kirk.


EDA: Superior National to add a few acres

New members, new officers and new committees at the EDA. WTIP’s Jay Andersen also spoke with Chairman Mark Sandbo about new land at the golf course and a new resident at the business park.


New County Chamber of Commerce gathering draws a crowd

More than 50 local business people and managers turned out for the launch of the new Cook County Chamber of Commerce  Tuesday, Feb. 12th at Sivertson Gallery in Grand Marais.


Animal welfare groups launch wolf hunt lawsuit

MINNEAPOLIS — The Humane Society of the United States and other animal welfare groups filed a lawsuit Tuesday to restore federal protections for gray wolves in the western Great Lakes region tha


New report highlights mining economy

A new report shows mining, processing and shipping taconite is responsible for 30 percent of the gross regional product in northeastern Minnesota.


Weekend News Roundup for February 9

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.