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Revised ISD166 School Calendar is WTIP’s First Thursday topic

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The ISD166 school board has voted to try a different calendar for the 2012-13 school year. Cook County Schools – and consequently students at Great Expectations – will experience longer days, a number of four-day weeks and some combined additional vacation times. The administration says the move saves money and improves instruction.

If you have kids in school, what do you think?
Join Jay Andersen with WTIP’s First Thursday Community Conversation on May 3 for “Hybridizing the School Year.”

Each month we choose a topic for discussion, invite guests into the studio and invite you to join in the conversation. This month our guests include Superintendent Beth Schwarz, Great Expectation’s Administrator Peter James, teacher and union representative Mitch Door and you. Join the conversation by calling 387-1070 or 800-473-9847. Our email address is [email protected].

 “Hybridizing the School Year” -- First Thursday Community Conversation, 6 to 7 p.m. May 3rd. Only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.