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RV crash at Poplar River - Photo by Mirel Sabau

Update: RV crashes at Poplar River

At approximately 12:20 p.m. today, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, Lutsen Fire Department, Lutsen EMS, Cook County Emergency Management, U.S.


DNR hosts open house on Gitchi Gami trail development

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Parks and Trails Division will host an open house from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

Richard Painter and WTIP's Jay Andersen

Senate candidate Richard Painter talks with WTIP

Richard Painter, a longtime Republican and former ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush is running for U.S. Senate as a Democrat in Minnesota.

Hjordis Captain Matt Ecklund checks out the glider Gitchigami before it was launched

Large Lakes Observatory glider missing at sea

At the end of June, WTIP shared news of the University of MN’s Large Lakes Observatory and the underwater glider it uses to study Lake Superior.

Smallmouth caught on Hungry Jack Lake. Photo by Joe Powell

Smallmouth bass fishing heats up on the Gunflint Trail

Many anglers come to places near Grand Marais and up the Gunflint Trail with walleye on their minds.


Bridge closed on Lutsen Ski Hill Road during bridge reconstruction

Bridge replacement is under way on the Ski Hill Road in Lutsen.

Jay Austin of the Large Lakes Observatory visits with Hjordis crew

Glider launched to study Lake Superior

University of Minnesota Professor Jay Austin visted Grand Marais on June 28, bringing with him an interesting piece of equipment.


Discussion continues on proposed tower at Seagull Lake

Discussion continues at both the county, state and federal levels regarding a new tower that will be used to improve communication at the end of the Gunflint Trail.


Update: deceased man found on beach east of Grand Marais

The Cook County Sheriff's Office has provided more details regarding the body of a deceased man found on a Lake Superior beach on June 27.