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Reservation River dedication event from June 18, 2018. Photo by Jeff Cadwell

Ceremony highlights restoration project on Reservation River

A dedication ceremony took place June 18 on the Reservation River in Cook County regarding a restoration project that was completed in 2017.

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty speaks in Cook County during the Ham Lake Fire. Submitted by Sue Weber

Tim Pawlenty talks with WTIP about governor's race

Former two-term Minnesota Republican governor Tim Pawlenty is making another bid in 2018 for one of the state’s highest political posts.  


Stranded hiker rescued from Cascade River

A woman was rescued this morning along the Cascade River after losing her footing while on a hike near the high-flowing waterway.


Director of child development center talks border separations

Hundreds of children have been separated from their parents as a result of a new policy that calls for “zero tolerance” regarding people who try to enter the United States illegally &mdash

Bill Lataday and John Morrin shared a brief look at the history of treaties between American Indians and the U.S. government

County board hears history of 1854 Treaty and more

At a meeting of the Cook County Commissioners in May, Commissioner Robert “Bobby” Deschampe suggested holding a special meeting to share information on the 1854 Treaty and its impact on th


Congressman Nolan on bid for Lieutenant Governor

On Monday, June 4, Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson announced she would run for governor with retiring Eighth District Congressman Rick Nolan as her running mate.  WTIP's Jay Andersen

Viking Jack Haussner had an excellent season on hurdles - Photo by Hartley Acero

An exciting end to CCHS Track season

The Cook County High School Track team had a great season, with four of its members heading to section finals and one participant--Jack Haussner going to the state meet.


Wildfire burning in Quetico brings smoke to the Gunflint Trail

There is a wildfire burning near Ottertrack Lake just north of the United States border in Quetico Provincial Park.

Life jackets are essential on canoe trips to the BWCA. Photo by Mike McSweeney

BWCA canoeist discusses losing friend to drowning accident in 2001

A canoeist died in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness June 9 as the result of a drowning accident.


Grand Portage Tribal Council election results

The General Election for the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Tribal Council was held today, June 12, and results are as follows: