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Candidates for Arrowhead board of directors talk 2018 election

The annual meeting of the Arrowhead Electric Cooperative starts at 8:30 a.m. with a pancake breakfast before the meeting officially begins at 10 a.m.


Researchers share update on moose, brainworm study

As first reported in September 2017 here on WTIP, a University of Minnesota professor set up a crowdfunding site to help research the parasite that’s devastating Minnesota’s moose populati

Memorial Day event in Grand Marais. Photo by Joe Friedrichs

Community observes Memorial Day

There are several options for community members to commemorate Memorial Day, on Monday, May 28.


One Roof shares plans for Lutsen workforce housing project

Housing is an ongoing issue in the community and rental housing is in short supply.

A Nordic Star home being placed on its foundation.

Houses in place for first phase of Nordic Star housing development

The Nordic Star housing development, a joint effort of the Cook County/Grand Marais Economic Development Authority (EDA) and One Roof Housing, is taking shape. 


Wildlife researchers share update on Grand Portage moose

Dr. Seth Moore is the director of biology and environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. Dr. Tiffany Wolf is a wildlife epidemiologist with the University of Minnesota.

The scene of the fire on West Bearskin Lake on May 20. Photo by Jim Lundorff

Fire extinguished by good Samaritans on West Bearskin Lake

WTIP was contacted by two Cook County residents about a fire that started near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on the shores of West Bearskin Lake on Sunday, May 20.


Coaster brook trout population continues to recover in Lake Superior

The coaster brook trout is native to the coastlines and tributaries of Lake Superior.


Skywarn training offered in Cook County

The National Weather Service offers training for volunteers who are interested in being part of the Skywarn program.

Many of those involved in the North Shore Health renovation and expansion cut a big gold ribbon to rededicate the facility

North Shore Health opens its new doors

North Shore Health recently completed its months-long renovation and expansion project.