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What is FirstNet and will it bring more towers to Cook County?

Though it may sound like something out of a Terminator film, FirstNet is indeed a reality in the field of modern communication.


April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Each year in April, a campaign is launched to raise public awareness about sexual assault and educate communities and individuals on how to prevent sexual violence.


Emergency exercise at Lutsen Mountains includes helicopter

On Saturday, residents and visitors to Lutsen Mountains were surprised by the appearance of a State Patrol helicopter hovering over the ski hill.


MN Sea Grant focusing on green infrastructure

Clean water is a topic that means a great deal for many who call the North Shore area their home.


Speaking with Representative Ecklund on spring break

The Minnesota Legislature took a short break over the Easter/Passover holiday.


EDA treasurer talks about Lutsen housing

The Cook County/Grand Marais Economic Development Authority (EDA) is seeking bond funding for its Lutsen rental housing project.


Injured skier returns to thank rescuers

The Lutsen Ski Patrol and Cook County Ambulance frequently responds to injureis at Lutsen Mountains Ski Area. Most of the injuries are relatively minor, but occasionally there are serious injuries.


Grand Portage primary election narrows ballot for June election

The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa held its primary election on Tuesday, April 3.

The Lake Superior Project/Logo by Lauryl Loberg

LSProject: The story of "the Pond" in downtown Grand Marais

Most local residents know that an area of downtown Grand Marais has a periodic flooding problem. But what may not be well known is the history of that area.


Congressional Candidate Lee shares thoughts on issues facing the 8th

Michelle Lee is a former Duluth television news anchor in Duluth and is now seeking the DFL nomination for Congress in the 8th District.  Lee recently spoke with WTIP's Jay Andersen about why