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Firehalls staffed during overnight phone/911 outage

Arrowhead Electric Cooperative/True North Broadband is conducting planned maintenance overnight tonight that will impact phone and internet service for all of their customers, as well as all


Arrowhead Eagles hosts event at airport

A new nonprofit has formed in Cook County, a "friends of avaition" organization, the Arrowhead Eagles.


Arrowhead Electric CEO resigns

Joe Pandy came on board as the CEO of Arrowhead Electric Cooperative in September 2017.

On Friday, May 11, Pandy’s tenure with Arrowhead came to an abrupt end.

Cook County DNR Conversation Officer Darin Fagerman. Photo by Joe Friedrichs

Local DNR officer involved with wildfire investigation unit

When wildfire strikes, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources needs to know the cause.


Planes taking pictures of Cook County land and property in 'Pictometry' study

If you notice a plane flying overhead in May right here in Cook County, there is a chance you could be on camera.


Lakes expected to be ice-free for fishing opener

Most, or possibly all, of Cook County’s lakes will be ice free on Saturday, May 12, a welcome sign for this year’s fishing opener.


Missing woman found deceased in Babbitt area

The search for Tawhna Jolee Pringle, 30, has sadly come to an end. Officials say her body was located Tuesday, May 8 at approximately 11 a.m.


100 Octane Aviation has ties to Cook County

One of Cook County’s own, Brennan Hawkins, is opening a new business in Superior, Wisconsin.

A historic photo of the Ogema Realty building in 1931, courtesy of the Cook County Historical Society

Former Ogema Realty building demolished

Downtown Grand Marais is seeing some changes again. The little building wedged between Java Moose coffee shop and the Harbor Inn motel, the former Ogema Realty building, is being demolished.

Smoke from the Ham Lake Fire up the Gunflint Trail. Photo by John Silliman

North Shore nearing critical fire weather conditions

The National Weather Service in Duluth has issued a Red Flag Warning regarding fire conditions for Friday afternoon due to gusty northwest winds and low relative humidity.