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Firehalls staffed during overnight phone/911 outage

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  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.
  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.

Arrowhead Electric Cooperative/True North Broadband is conducting planned maintenance overnight tonight that will impact phone and internet service for all of their customers, as well as all cellular services.

The outage will begin at midnight. The maintenance work is expected to last between one to two hours. Phone service, including cell service as towers rely on fiber, and internet will not be available.

True North customers do not need to do anything, all off the work is on True North’s equipment. Service will be restored when the maintenance work is done.

CenturyLink customers will not be impacted.

During the outage period, Cook County Sheriff’s Office deputies will be on patrol and all Fire Departments will staff their respective Fire Halls as link a to 911. In the event anyone without phone service needs emergency services during this brief outage, the Sheriff’s Office advises you to go to your closest Fire Hall.