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Missing woman found deceased in Babbitt area

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The search for Tawhna Jolee Pringle, 30, has sadly come to an end. Officials say her body was located Tuesday, May 8 at approximately 11 a.m.
According to authorities, Pringle was found roughly 100 feet off the Dunka River Road near Babbitt and approximately 2.2 miles from where officials found her vehicle on February 7.
Officials say there does not appear to be foul play involved. They say Pringle’s death was likely caused by hypothermia and exposure to the extreme cold. An autopsy will be done to provide more details about the cause of death.
For months friends and family members used social media to connect with the public to try to find Pringle. She has family in both Cook and Lake counties. A renewed search effort was organized by family, friends, law enforcement and search and rescue members on Tuesday.