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Cooper Hogan, left, with his friend Connor Vandaalen in the BWCA

Details shared of BWCA rescue from Gaskin Lake

The Cook County Sheriff’s Office received a call from the International Emergency Response Coordination Center just before 1 p.m.

Lake Superior Project

LSProject: Grand Portage and wolves on Isle Royale

The federal government announced in March that Isle Royale's decimated wolf population will get an infusion of new wolves over the next three years in an attempt to control the abundance of moose


Lake Superior-North watershed boasts excellent water quality

Only one of 67 streams and 152 lakes evaluated for water quality standards along Lake Superior’s far North Shore does not meet the state’s criteria, according to two Minnesota Pollution Co


Lutsen gets fire and rescue, field reports

The monthly Lutsen township meeting was on Tuesday, June 19.


Forest Service plane responds to medical emergency on Gaskin Lake

The Cook County Sheriff’s Office received a call from the International Emergency Response Coordination Center just before 1 p.m.

The Voyageur II in the Isle Royale Amygdaloid Channel - photo by Ryan Staley

A look at the ferry service from Grand Portage to Isle Royale

This week Isle Royale National Park issued a notice that the park is soliciting proposals for the award of a concession contract to provide ferry transportation service from Grand Portage, M

Boundary Waters portage up the Gunflint Trail. Photo by Amber Kramer

Cook County canoe outfitters suing feds to protect BWCA

A total of nine local and regional businesses, including several in and with direct ties to Cook County, filed a lawsuit against the U.S.

People had mixed emotions to President Trump's visit to Duluth. Photo by Joe Friedrichs

President Trump talks key state issues during Duluth visit

For those who attempted to voice their dislike of President Donald Trump during his rally June 20 in Duluth, the president told one to “go home to his mommy” and that the other “need

Scene outside the Cook County Courthouse June 19. Photo by Joe Friedrichs

Local residents hear details on motorized 'Border to Border' route

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, in conjunction with the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council and the Minnesota 4-Wheel Drive Association, continue to host public discussion