Local News
New owners settling in at 1010 Interiors
Rhonda Silence-There are new owners at 1010 Interiors in Grand Marais. Scott Tjaden and Janet Arneson bought the interior design company from LeAnn Wilborne about six months ago.
Fire destroys two structures on Rollins Creek Road
Rhonda Silence-Four fire departments were paged to the scene of a fire just after 6:23 p.m. this evening, August 14.
Researcher Carolyn Dry opens new business in Grand Marais
Rhonda Silence-Academic researcher Carolyn Dry, Ph.D moved to Grand Marais because she loves the city on the North Shore.
Still wondering where and how to vote?
-The majority of Cook County voters received their ballots in the mail in mid-July. However, many voters in the City of Grand Marais still go to the polls.
Arrowhead Electric schedules power outage for Maple Hill substation
Rhonda Silence-Arrowhead Cooperative has announced a scheduled power outage that will affect members on the Maple Hill Substation – Circuit 2 on Wednesday, August 15.
Mining supporter responds to VP Pence's statements on copper-nickel mines
Rhonda Silence-Conservationist with Common Sense (CWCS) is a nonprofit organization based in Ely, Minnesota.
UPDATE: Election filing period ends Aug. 14 for city, school, hospital board
Rhonda Silence-The deadline to file to run for the local school or hospital board or for the Grand Marais city council is today, August 14.
Minnesota Gubernatorial candidate Erin Murphy talks with WTIP
-It has been a busy election season. WTIP has been happy to talk to a number of candidates in the state and local level.