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Four dead near Apostle Islands after kayak capsizes on Lake Superior

ASHLAND, Wis. (AP) - Authorities say three children and their father died when their kayak capsized near a Wisconsin island in Lake Superior.


Despite damp weather, be careful with campfires

The Grand Marais Fire Department, US Forest Service fire crews, and the Cook County Ambulance were paged to respond to a fire on Benedict’s Road in the Pike Lake area at around 1:30 yesterday, A

Lucas Leaf, executive director of the Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters--and lucky fisherman--was at the governor's announcement

Governor issues proclamation of Public Lands Day

In recognition of public lands as a resource belonging to all Minnesotans, Gov. Mark Dayton has proclaimed today, Friday, Aug. 31, Public Lands Day.

Visitors from Chicago enjoy a day trip to the BWCA. Photo by Joe Friedrichs

Labor Day weekend brings crowds to BWCA

Labor Day weekend is a busy time along the North Shore and surrounding area. And among the most popular locations in the region will be the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

Attendees at the 2018 Rainbow Gathering up the Gunflint Trail. Photo by Joe Friedrichs

WTIP visits Rainbow Gathering days after attack

As reported this week by WTIP, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and Cook County Ambulance responded to a "Rainbow Gathering" being held in the Superior National Forest off of the Trout

Road construction is under way on Old Highway 61 and Mineral Center Road in Grand Portage - Photo by Bob Deschampe

Road construction under way in Grand Portage

A long-awaited road reconstruction project is under way in Grand Portage. During the project, there will be periodic road closures on County Road 17, Old Highway 61 and Mineral Center Road.

Rainbow Camp gathering in 2016 - File photo by Joe Friedrichs, WTIP

Trout Lake Rainbow Gathering attendee arrested on assault charges

The Cook County Sheriff’s Office and Cook County Ambulance responded to a "Rainbow Gathering" being held in the Superior National Forest off of the Trout Lake Road in Grand Marais over

Maren Webb of Grand Marais is a parent experiencing the childcare crunch

Childcare from a parent's viewpoint

Although Cook County is a wonderful place to raise a family, for some it can be a difficult place to live.

The Superior National Forest wildfire incident management team - Photo courtesy of Steve Schug

Tofte man travels with Forest Service fire management team

With the numerous wildfires across the United States, the U.S. Forest Service needs helps managing these incidents. Sometimes, they end out a call for assistance from Forest Service retirees.

Childcare in Cook County is overseen by Cook County Public Health and Human Services

Childcare--the county's role

Hearing that it can be a challenge to find childcare in Cook County is not a suprise to the people at Cook County Public Health and Human Services.