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Park Board takes first look at Community Connection plans

The entry to the Grand Marais Rec Park is being redesigned as a “Community Connection” combining storm water treatment as well as an attractive entry trail to the park.


Volleyball Vikings head to Duluth for semi-finals

The Cook County Vikings girls’ volleyball team has advanced to the semi-final round of the Class 7-A playoffs.


Lodging tax revenues continue upward trend over last year

Lodging tax revenues for September were up from the same month last year county-wide according to the latest report from the Cook County Auditor-Treasurer’s office.


Volleyball Vikings advance, football team ends season

The Cook County Vikings volleyball team is set for a showdown at 6 p.m. Wednesday evening with Cherry in the semi-final round of the Class 7-A playoffs at Duluth Denfeld.


Minnesota firearms deer season opens Saturday

Minnesota's firearms deer season opens Saturday, and wildlife managers say it should be a good one.


Weekend News Roundup for Oct. 29

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


I-35 set to open today

Keep your fingers crossed for dry weather this morning.


Cook County OKs 1% money to Arrowhead broadband

The Cook County Board of Commissioners Tuesday signed an agreement to designate $4 million in 1% sales tax dollars to help finance Arrowhead Electric Coop’s broadband build-out.


Viking volleyball play continues tonight -- football Saturday

Cook County and Silver Bay travel to Hermantown tonight to meet in the Section 7-A volleyball playoffs.


Ski Hill to continue taking water from Poplar River during drought

The DNR said on Wednesday that it's taking steps to let Lutsen Mountains keep drawing water for its snow-making operations despite a drought that has caused the river running through the north shore s