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Weekend News Roundup for Nov. 19

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Good weather equals better deer hunting going into final weekend

Better weather conditions for hunting and a Friday holiday for some were the likely reasons deer registrations climbed to within 7 percent of the 2010 season-to-date level after the second weekend of


ISD166 Superintendent discusses district financial picture and contract negotiations

Cook County Schools, ISD166 has recently received it's annual audit. There were no real surprizes but that doesn't mean the district isn't going to continue facing difficult times.


Great Expectations holds annual meeting

Great Expectations School held its annual meeting this week. WTIP’s Jay Andersen has this interview with GES administrator Peter James.


Property tax sticker shock hits this week

By now most Cook County residents should have received their property tax estimates for 2012 – or will yet this week. The news for most homeowners will not be good.


Cravaack introduces legislation to permit road construction in Grand Marais

To address Minnesota’s transportation infrastructure needs, U.S. Rep. Chip Cravaack has introduced H.R.


Minnesota’s “Give to the Max Day” Returns on Nov. 16

(Click on the mp3 above to hear an interview with Dana Nelson - executive director of GiveMN.)


Weekend News Roundup for Nov. 12

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


DNR issues ski hill permit to draw water from slowing Poplar River

After a review of more than 600 comments from the public, DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr issued a permit to Lutsen Mountains Ski Hill to take water from the Poplar River for snowmaking despite the stre


Igoe wins award for Lake Superior Magazine

Lake Superior Magazine won 15 awards including a gold for Overall Excellence in its category and four additional gold awards at the Minnesota Magazine and Publishing Association’s annual Excelle