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Cravaack moves ahead with land swap

U.S. Rep. Chip Cravaack said late last week he would introduce legislation ordering the U.S.


Weekend News Roundup for Dec. 10

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


PolyMet copper mine timetable slowed again

The proposed PolyMet copper mine in northeastern Minnesota is facing more delays in the timetable to finish its environmental review.


Community Christmas Concert: Rehearsals & Reflections

This year’s performances of the annual Community Christmas Concert in Grand Marais drew capacity crowds, December 4 & 5th.  In this feature, WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson talks with conductor and composer Bill Beckstrand, now in his second year as director.  Mark also recorded parts of the final rehearsal and spoke with orchestra and chorus members.


Golf, park entry and reservations around the corner

The city’s Gunflint Hills golf course is going to need more capital money and the Rec Park’s “Community Connection” goes back to the drawing board.


ISD 166 board to meet on superintendent contract

Members of the Cook County school board are set to meet next week to hammer out a contract for Superintendent Beth Schwarz. According to board chair Mary Sanders the board will meet 8:30 a.m.


Weather looks typical for this time of year -- but not much snow in the forecast

It’s going to snow, but probably not here. It’s cold, but it’ll warm up.


Weekend News Round-up for Dec. 3

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Lodging tax revenues continue upward trend over last year

Lodging tax revenues for October were up from the same month last year county-wide according to the latest report from the Cook County Auditor-Treasurer’s office.