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Cook County Sheriff's Office welcomes new deputies

The Cook County Sheriff's Office welcomed two new deputies to the community this week.


Community still working to relocate Grand Marais dog pound

For many years, community members have been working to find a new home for the Grand Marais dog pound. The small building is out of place in the Grand Marais Recreation Area.


Grand Marais in top ten for Airbnb guests in Minnesota

The city of Grand Marais has made another top 10 list--this time for the number of visitors to the community. Airbnb recently released a report detailing its top 10 destinations in Minnesota.


Update: Power restored for majority of customers in Grand Marais outage

At approximately 3 p.m. on Sunday, electricity flickered and then went out in some sections of Grand Marais. As of midnight, January 8, the power had been restored to the majority of customers.


New owners for local laundromat

At one time or another we’ve all visited a laundromat, but few of us think of them as business opportunities. Not so for Terry and Lori Backlund of Grand Marais.


Ambulance drivers, medical responders wanted at local hospital

Staff with North Shore Ambulance in Cook County are looking for drivers, emergency medical responders and emergency medical technicians in 2018.


Election filing open now for township elections

Citizens in Lutsen, Tofte and Schroeder interested in serving on their respective township boards need to file now to be eligible for election in March 2018.


Cold snap raises question: What's the difference between weather and climate?

The weather continues to be big news along the North Shore and surrounding region. It’s what most people are talking about in the coffee shops and local pubs and restaurants.


Home on Devil Track Road damaged by fire

An emergency call went out at 3:45 a.m. on New Year’s Day—a homeowner on Devil Track Road in Grand Marais had a wood-burning stove chimney fire.


Grand Marais City Council wraps up 2017

As promised, the Grand Marais City Council's December 27 meeting was quick. But that doesn't mean the city doesn't have a full agenda for projects in the year ahead.