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Home on Devil Track Road damaged by fire

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An emergency call went out at 3:45 a.m. on New Year’s Day—a homeowner on Devil Track Road in Grand Marais had a wood-burning stove chimney fire.
The Maple Hill Fire Department was on the scene at the home of Eric Brisson by 3:55 a.m., followed shortly by the Grand Marais Fire Department and First Responders. By that time, the fire had spread from the chimney pipe to adjacent rafters in the attic.
Firefighters fought the blaze in -20 degree weather, but Maple Hill Fire Department Chief Kent Anderson said there were no problems with freezing of the water supply. He said a relatively small amount of water was needed to get the fire out.
Chief Anderson said fire crews were able to extinguish the fire and contain it to a couple of rooms in the house. Anderson said those rooms sustained moderate damage, but it appears that the home is repairable.
There were no injuries to homeowners or personnel on scene. The family was able to turn on alternate heat and some lights in the house after the fire.
The Maple Hill traffic safety (STOP) team and the Cook County Ambulance also responded. All personnel were clear of the scene by approx. 6:45 a.m.
It appears the insulated stove pipe failed somehow and overheated the surrounding structure in the attic causing ignition.