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Caucuses were held Feb. 6 in Cook County. Photo by Pat Campanaro

Update: Cook County residents speak up at local caucuses

At two venues in Grand Marais on Tuesday night, Feb.


Project brings logging and prescribed burns to Middle Gunflint

The ShokoShoe Vegetation Management Project is one that has been several years in the making along a wide swath of forest between the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Middle Gunflint Trail.


Snowmobiler injured in crash in Lutsen

A Thunder Bay snowmobiler was injured when he lost control on a trail near Barker Lake Road in Lutsen.


Former Grand Marais residents lose home in fire

The St. Louis County Sheriff's Office says a fire broke out at a home located on 1713 Hegberg Road in Duluth around 10 Sunday morning.  Local fire departments and the St.


Study links Minnesota wolf population to moose survival

Dr. Shannon Barber-Meyer is a federal wildlife biologist on the Superior National Forest. She has done extensive research on wolves in Minnesota.


Democracy in action at caucuses

Political caucuses will be held across the State of Minnesota on Tuesday, February 6. Many people are not sure what happens at political caucuses.


North Shore Federal Credit Union opening Duluth branch

The North Shore Federal Credit Union started small, but has slowly but steadily been building its membership.


Sheriff's Office welcomes K-9 deputy Eddy

The newest member of the Cook County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the Law Enforcement Center this week.

Blair Braverman in the 2018 Beargrease race. Photo by CJ Heithoff

Beargrease official explains Blair Braverman exit from race

This morning on WTIP’s Daybreak program it was reported that musher Blair Braverman was asked to withdraw from the Beargrease marathon. It is not unusual or uncommon that a musher

Ryan Redington in the 2018 Beargrease. Photo by CJ Heithoff

Ryan Redington wins 2018 Beargrease marathon

Ryan Redington won the 2018 John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon, arriving to the finish line near Duluth just after 5 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 31.