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Democracy in action at caucuses

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Political caucuses will be held across the State of Minnesota on Tuesday, February 6. Many people are not sure what happens at political caucuses. WTIP's Sherrie Lindskog talks to Pat Camparano of Grand Marais about what participants can expect at these important political gatherings. 

The Democratic Farm Labor (DFL) Caucus will be held on Tuesday, February 6 at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts, with registration at 6 p.m. and Caucus at 7 p.m. Activities will include a 2018 gubernatorial preference ballot and delegate election. More information from Paulette at 218-387-3388.

The Republican Caucus will be held on Tuesday, February 6 with registration at 6 p.m. and Caucus at 7 p.m. in the Log Building at the Cook County Community Center (317 West 5th Street).  Activities to include Governor Straw Poll, delegate election and more. For more information, email Mary at [email protected]
