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Photo by Courtney Celley/USFWS via USFWS Midwest Region on Flickr.

North Woods Naturalist: Cold weather courting and snow depth

What do cold weather courting and snow depth have in common?  Great Horned Owls have to carefully manage both of those things this time of year.  WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist

The Great Alaskan Race will be screened at Grand Portage Lodge - Image courtesy of P12 productions

Grand Portage Lodge hosts special Beargrease screening of "The Great Alaskan Race"

Actor/director Brian Presley, the man behind the film: The Great Alaskan Race is here on the North Shore this week to

Snowmobile drag races will be held on Devil Track Lake on Saturday, Jan. 25 - Photo courtesy of CC RidgeRiders

Cook County RidgeRiders hosts first snowmobile drag races of season

In addition to the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon this weekend, there is an annual snowmobile race event.

Great Expectations School 7th and 8th graders are preparing for Costa Rica - Photo courtesy of the school

Great Expectations School students preparing for trip to Costa Rica

Students in the “Otters” classroom at Great Expectations School in Grand Marais are excited to announce an ambitious

The colder the better for canine athletes - WTIP file photo

Excitement builds for 2020 John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon

The John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon was established in 1980 in honor of John Beargrease, the son of an Anishinaabe Chief, who was pivo

Jim Wallner explains his trapping methods in Cook County. Photo by Matthew Baxley

Trapping traditions continue along the North Shore

For Jim Wallner and his family in Cook County, an early winter tradition includes setting trap lines in the nearby forests.  

Ice Arch Sunrise by Travis Novitsky

North Woods Naturalist: Marvels of January

From bear cubs being born to artic smoke and steam devils, there's plenty happening in the natural world as we approach the end of January.

The Gunflint Mail Run, 2020. Photo by Anastasia Gill

Sled Dogs, Cold Toes and a Gal from Texas Podcast: Episode Eight

In this episode of the podcast, Anastasia learns firsthand what a sled dog race is all about.

Jaye White of Exploring the North Shore - Photo by Rhonda Silence

New business showcases the North Shore

WTIP Community Radio likes to share news of local businesses—new businesses, new owners, or milestone achievements.